NSW Reads Summer Bookclub

Published on 01 December 2021

NSWReads Summer Bookclub

The NSW Reads Summer Bookclub book is the Grandest Bookshop in the World by Amelia Mellor. Based on a real bookshop in Melbourne in the late 1800s, it is a magical tale based on true events of Mr Cole and his whimsical bookshop shop, full to the brim of curious things. When you join the state’s biggest bookclub you’ll get unlimited access to this award-winning book based on true events.

You need to be a library member and download the Grandest Bookshop in the World from the Indybooks App.

Contact Kempsey Shire Libraries for any help you need to join:

Email: kempsey.library@kempsey.nsw.gov.au

Ph: 6566 3210